Home > Finished Exams!

Finished Exams!

December 14th, 2006 at 11:28 am

Done my exams!! Finally!!

I wish I could say these are the last exams of my undergrad curriculum, but unfortunately due to some stupid rules with my university I need to end on an academic term. So I need to take one more course while I work in the next 8 months as a student engineer.

Plan to do some bottle returns and see how much cash I can get. This will be interesting because I have two large 20L jugs that are worth $10 each + just tons of other small bottles/cans. I'd guesstimate around 40 bucks.

3 Responses to “Finished Exams!”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Where do you live? We do not have bottle deposits here. Bet we'd have cleaner city streets if we did.

  2. janH Says:

    Congrats on almost being finished!

  3. asua Says:

    I live in Vancouver, BC. We have lots of recycle depots around that claim to take "all bottles and cans".

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