Home > Shopping at asian markets can be cheap, if you can handle the stress!

Shopping at asian markets can be cheap, if you can handle the stress!

December 6th, 2006 at 06:44 am

I'm not sure how many of you shop for your groceries regularly at Asian markets. If you do, you'll realize just how cheap those groceries can be!


Romaine Lettuce at Safeway, puny little thing -- $1.69 each

Romaine Lettuce at chinese market, oversized thing -- $0.69 each

Sure, the one at the chinese market may not look the freshest since water isn't periodically sprayed on it, I'll just eat around it. But to differ as much as 145% is a little uncalled for.

And sure, you probably have to prepared for the occasion since these markets don't have the cleanest floors, friendliest employees, or the most polite customers. Sometimes you have to learn how to shove people aside, or say the word "Jie Guo (please move)" to get to what you want. Is it worth the 50% reduction in your grocery bill? Most definitely.

But today, I felt bad for an elderly eastern European lady who was shopping for meat. The meat store was busy, so she was waiting for someone to help her. I was standing close to her also waiting for someone to help me (although she was first). The clerk turned to me first, either because I am asian, or because he wasn't able to see the old lady behind the meat counter. Thinking to myself that the elderly lady was already served, I blurted out what piece of meat I wanted to get. It was about half a minute later that I heard the elderly lady complaining to the clerk that she was waiting all this time. I guess when I shop at asian places my politeness level drops significantly.

9 Responses to “Shopping at asian markets can be cheap, if you can handle the stress!”

  1. ifeel100 Says:

    U r asian? Im too, bt I stay in M'sia.Nice 2 meet u!
    Yup, always asian wet market was the cheapest in price, cnt beat by other... Bt as u said, lack of polite staff, pleasant environment... Smile

  2. Lez Save $ Says:

    yes, it is worth it!!

    i tend to buy 97 yen food here in Tokyo. 97 yen is about a dollar. So it's pretty sweet. Small things add up, so that's good that you are trying to save.

    i can recommend some easy dishes too. See my previous post and comments from others.


  3. yummy64 Says:

    My closest grocery store is an Asian Market. I think it is chinese but might be more vietnamese - toronto is pretty multicultural - even the asian markets specialize.

    I have never bought meat there. I have bought fish there but not for a while. But veggies are a great price as are asian spices and tofu. Does save a nice amount to do even part of my shopping there.

    Only problem I ever run into is that the staff aren't really hired for their ability to speak english so its hard to ask questions. The last time I asked a question there I twas about this vat of weird brown stuff - when we asked what it is she said "You won't like". When I asked an asian coworker she informed me it sounded like pigs blood - so while the answer of the worker wasn't precise, it was accurate, LOL

  4. paigu Says:

    Yup, Asian markets rule. They can be quite crowded but that just reminds me of "home" (Taiwan). Also, the old grannies are quite amusing, they always give me tips on how to choose veggies and fruits for some reason. However, my non-Asian coworkers do say they feel intimidated shopping there. I never quite understood why (thought they weren't used to not being able to read labels) but now I do notice how rude the employees are to non-Asians. One employee helped give me a bag of fresh bean sprouts, but when a Caucasian asked, he just shrugged and pretended he didn't understand That's racist!

  5. threebeansalad Says:

    I live in a University town, so whenever I shop at the Asian market (I'm not Asian), I invariably run into someone I know from either my academic dept or my husband's academic department and am greeted with either , "You shop here ?!?!" or "What are you doing here?!!" I enjoy the variety and the good prices. Although the language barrier can be an issue, I've found the employees to be friendly and willing to help me find what I need.

  6. Broken Arrow Says:

    I guess my problem is that, when I'm there, I'm not looking at prices. I'm looking at all the cool imported stuff that I can't get anywhere else. Those kind of "treats" cost! Big Grin

  7. tinapbeana Says:

    i'm not sure where there's a specifically asian store in my area, but for me the cheapest and best produce is in the latino section of the flea market. yup, the flea market! limes and lemons 10 for $1!!! bell peppers 2 for $1. a gallon of roma tomatoes for 3-4 dollars... absolutely unbelievable, and the fruits and veggies keep so much longer b/c they're fresher.

    if possible, try to learn how to say 'do you speak english', please, thankyou, and 'how much?' in whatever is the prevalent language of the store.

  8. eunkyungsuh Says:

    I am aware of the savings at asian food stores and yet I still avoid them because I'll buy too much stuff! From another asian- thanks for reminding me.

  9. kealina Says:

    i usually only shop at them when i am near one or when they have something specific i want... but that's only because i have the flear market down the street and the produce there is great... plus, in hawaii you can go to the grocery store and buy some of the stuff you'd normally have to go to an asian food store for... we do have one specific store we like to visit though where the boiled peanuts are $1/lb...
    as for rudeness, they can usually be a bit brisk but generally not too bad where we shop...

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